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Professional Services

Financial Health, not just Profitability


Professional Labor Services

Client Needs:

  • Debt Elimination
  • Pricing Models
  • Business Procedures

Our Approach

Summary & Strategies we implemented

Debt is a great way to assist in accomplishing growth. But if it is used to bail a company out of a desperate situation or float the company, then it's not healthy.

This is a point where a clients destiny layed. This situation led to the need for better and new prcing models that would generate better cash-flow. We built new models and reassured the client that cash-flow would improve. After using the new models for 6 months, the cash-flow improved and the ability to start paying down debt became prevelant.

After releaving the company of hemeraging cash, we begain buying the staff more time. We did this by implementing business procedures and better technologies. Payroll technologies, timekeeping sytems, and automations brought at least 10 hours per week of time to the C-level and upper management team. What a huge win!

  • Debt Assestment

    Our first step when a company has become overwhelmed by debt is to asses current spending, and determine new processes for additional renvue

  • Create Customized Debt Solutions

    For this company, we determined that reconstructing the pricing models would improve cash flow. After using the new model for 6 months, we saw an improvement in cash flow.

  • Optimize Business Procedures

    Once this company had a more consistent cash flow, we were able to automate procedures and implement technology for timekeeping and payroll, ultimately saving 10 hours weekly for management teams.

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